Forcepoint Next-Gen Firewall and Azure Active Directory - Secure Hybrid Access
Table of contents
- Forcepoint Next-Gen Firewall and Azure Active Directory - Secure Hybrid Access
- Summary
- Enable Forcepoint SMC Client API
- Create Azure Enterprise applications
- Implementation – Docker
- Step 1: Login to Docker Registry
- Step 2: Modify .env file
- Step 3: Create PFX certificate Base64 for secure LDAP
- Step 4: Deploy Azure AD DS template
- Step 5: Enable LDAPs On Existing Azure AD DS.
- Step 6: Enable Azure AD Domain Services password hash synchronization
- Step 7: Create an external Active Directory authentication server and external user domain in SMC
- Step 8: Run server containers
- Step 9: Assign users to the Azure App
- Step 10: Add SCIM credentials
- Step 11: Apply SMC roles to Azure users
- Step 12: Access on-promise Forcepoint SMC via Azure application
- Implementation - Traditional
- Step 1: Modify configuration files
- Step 2: Install dependencies
- Step 3: Create PFX certificate Base64 for secure LDAP
- Step 4: Deploy Azure AD DS template
- Step 5: Enable LDAPs On Existing Azure AD DS.
- Step 6: Enable Azure AD Domain Services password hash synchronization
- Step 7: Create an external Active Directory authentication server and external user domain in SMC
- Step 8: Modify /var/Azure_smc/connector.yml file
- Step 9: Reboot Host-Machine
- Step 10: Add SCIM credentials
- Step 11: Assign users to Azure App
- Step 12: Apply SMC Roles to Azure Users
- Step 13: Access on-promise Forcepoint SMC via Azure application
- Troubleshooting
These contents are licensed under Apache License, Version 2.0.
Document Revision
Version | Date | Author | Notes |
0.1 | 26 March 2020 | Dlo Bagari | First draft |
0.2 | 08 April 2020 | Mattia Maggioli | Review |
0.3 | 15 April 2020 | Dlo Bagari | Resolved Comments |
0.4 | 24 April 2020 | Neelima Rai | Added troubleshooting chapter |
0.5 | 19 June 2020 | Jonathan Knepher | Review |
This guide provides step by step instructions to set up an integration between Azure AD Secure Hybrid and Forcepoint Next Generation Firewall (NGFW)
The automated integration enables Forcepoint NGFW Security Management Center (SMC) access and authentication through Azure AD users/policies, and exposes SMC as an Azure app for remote management: selected Azure AD users can be assigned with different level of access into the SMC, enabling remote management of the entire fleet of NGFW engines controlled by SMC with the extra security layer provided by Azure AD authentication policies.
The code and instructions provided enable system administrators to automatically
Create Azure AD Domain Services with external LDAPs enabled
Configure an Azure application for automatic provisioning
Create Azure Active Directory groups for Forcepoint SMC roles management
Create an external user’s Active Directory and user authentication server in Forcepoint SMC
Expose Forcepoint SMC as an Azure app for remote management
Use the System for Cross-Domain Identity Management (SCIM) user management API to enable automatic provisioning of users between Forcepoint SMC and Azure AD
A description of the workflow between the components involved in this POC is depicted in this diagram:
Source Code
The integration described in this document was developed and tested with the following products:
Forcepoint SMC 6.7.3 and Forcepoint NGFW 6.7.2
Azure Active Directory
This interoperability uses:
Deployment Service: a service that deploys Azure AD Domain Services template and app provisioning template, creates an external Active Directory authentication server in Forcepoint SMC, creates external users domain in Forcepoint SMC and links Forcepoint SMC to an Azure app.
Reverse Proxy: a server that handles requests from external clients (i.e. web browsers) to Forcepoint SCIM service and Forcepoint SMC web interface
Forcepoint SCIM Service: a server that implements the SCIM v2 standard and listens to incoming SCIM requests from Azure SCIM for user provisioning.
SMC Connector: a server that connects Forcepoint SCIM service with Forcepoint SMC.
Implementation options
Two implementation options are provided in this document
Docker – leverages docker images where the integration component is already installed with all necessary dependencies: the user only has to edit one docker-compose environment variable file and run containers on an existing docker setup.
Traditional – requires the manual deployment of the integration component inside a clean Centos 7 host-machine.
The docker images for this integration have been tested working with:
Docker 19.03.6
Docker-compose 1.25.4
The docker host machine meets the minimum hardware requirements of 2GB of RAM and 20GB of storage
while the traditional version of this integration has been tested working with the following requirements
- Centos 7.3 with at least 2 GB RAM and 20 GB of storage
In this document we assume Azure AD is already in use but without Azure AD Domain Services and LDAPs connectivity. If either of those components are already in use, then the relative steps in the following chapters can be skipped.
Enable Forcepoint SMC Client API
Login to Forcepoint SMC with a superuser administrator account
Select Home > Others > right-click on Management Server and select Properties
Select SMC API and click on Enable then OK
Now on the top menu of the SMC user interface
Click Configuration > Administration > Access Rights > API Clients > New > API Client
Insert a name for this API client
Save the Authentication Key in a safe location: this key will be used in the rest of this document and it will be referenced as SMC_API_KEY.
Click Permissions > Unrestricted Permissions (Superuser) and click OK
Create Azure Enterprise applications
This step shows how to create a new non-gallery application that will be used to link your on-premise Forcepoint SMC with this application.
Sign in to your Azure account through the Azure portal with an administrator account that has Global Administrator permissions
Go to Azure Active Directory > Enterprise applications
Click New application
Click on the Non-gallery application.
Enter a name for your new application and click Add
Implementation – Docker
The solution described in this chapter requires
- A Linux machine (Centos 7.3 recommended with a minimum of 2GB of RAM and 20GB of storage) within the same network of Forcepoint SMC host machine. This machine requires a public IP address (or a public FQDN resolving into a public IP address) to expose its services to Azure. This machine will be referenced in the rest of this document as the docker-host machine.
The following components must be installed on the docker-host machine:
Docker Engine installed on the Docker-host: if Docker Engine is not installed visit docker-installation-docs to install Docker Engine on Docker-host
Docker Compose: if Docker Compose is not installed on the Docker-host machine, visit docker-compose-installation to install Docker, Compose on Docker-host
The file fp-ngfw-connect-Azure-ad-docker.tar.gz available at the link
The archive fp-ngfw-connect-Azure-ad-docker.tar.gz contains the following files:
docker-compse-deployment.yml: docker-compose deployment file which will be used for deploying Azure templates into Azure, create an external Active Directory authentication server and external user domain in Forcepoint SMC.
docker-compose-servers.yml: docker-compose servers files which will be used to run all server containers (Nginx Reverse Proxy, Forcepoint SMC service, SMC connector)
.env: the environment variables files for docker-compose.
certs: is a directory for storing SSL certificates used by Nginx
Step 1: Login to Docker Registry
Use the following command and credentials to login into the Docker registry hosting the containers needed for this integration
root@linux:~# docker login Username: fp-integrations Password: t1knmAkn19s |
Step 2: Modify .env file
Decompress fp-ngfw-connect-Azure-ad-docker.tar.gz and change your directory to fp-ngfw-connect-Azure-ad
tar -zxvf fp-ngfw-connect-Azure-ad-docker.tar.gz cd fp-ngfw-connect-Azure-ad |
Open .env file with a text editor such as vi
vi .env |
Update the following variables:
SMC_API_KEY: is the SMC API Key which is generated in the chapter Enable Forcepoint SMC Client API of this document.
SMC_IP_ADDRESS: is the internal IP address of Forcepoint SMC.
SMC_PORTAL: is the Forcepoint SMC Web access portal, for example: SMC_PORTAL=
AZURE_APP_NAME: is the name of the Azure app which is created in the chapter Create Azure Enterprise Application of this document
AZURE_ADMIN_LOGIN_NAME: is your Azure administrator login name. This administrator must have a Global Administrator role within Azure AD
AZURE_DOMAIN_NAME: is your Azure domain name
AZURE_LOCATION: is the Azure location where all resource will be created in Azure
AZURE_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME: a name for Azure resource groups, if this resource group is not existing, the deployment process will create it.
DOCKER_HOST_PUBLIC_IP_ADDRESS: is the public IP address for the Docker-host machine
PFX_CERTIFICATE_EXPIRY_DAYS: the duration in days of the PFX certificate, after this the certificate will expire
PFX_CERTIFICATE_PASSWORD: a password that will be used for the PFX certificate
Once all variables are edited, save the .env file and move to the next step based on your existing Active Directory setup:
If you already have Azure AD Domain Services with LDAPs configured, move to Step 8
If you already have Azure AD Domain Services without LDAPs, move to Step 5
If you don’t have Azure AD Domain Services, continue to Step 3
Step 3: Create PFX certificate Base64 for secure LDAP
Run the deployment container:
docker-compose -f docker-compose-deployment.yml up -d -
Generate the PFX base64 certificate:
docker-compose -f docker-compose-deployment.yml exec deployment /app/deployment generate-ssl-cert -
The output of the above command is the Base65 string of the generated PFX certificate. Copy this output.
Stop and remove the deployment container:
docker-compose -f docker-compose-deployment.yml down -
Insert the copied Base64 string as a value for PFX_CERTIFICATE_BASE64 variable in .env files variable. For example
Step 4: Deploy Azure AD DS template
Run the deployment container:
docker-compose -f docker-compose-deployment.yml up -d -
Interact with deployment container:
docker-compose -f docker-compose-deployment.yml exec deployment /bin/bash -
Execute the following command to deploy the Azure AD DS, the application provisioning template and to create Azure groups for SMC roles:
./deployment deploy-azure -g -
Enter your password for the administrator login name, then he deployment monitoring progress will start. Wait until the progress bar is completed. Provisioning of all resources inside Azure can take up to 55 minutes.
Once finished, Azure will start configuring Azure AD DS and this deployment will take up to 30 minutes and can only be monitored through Azure Portal.
To monitor the ongoing deployment login to the Azure portal, search for Azure AD Domain Services, click on your Azure AD Domain Services
The status of the Domain Services will be Deploying
Wait until the status of the Domain Services changes to Running, this can take up to 30 minutes
Once the new service is Running move to step 6.
Step 5: Enable LDAPs On Existing Azure AD DS.
In this section, we assume you already have an existing Azure AD Domain Service in your Azure Active Directory: the following steps show how to enable LDAPs.
Create a certificate for secure LDAP
Open a terminal
Create a private key with this command:
openssl genrsa 4096 > private.pem -
Create a public key. Execute this command after replacing YOUR_AZURE_DOMAIN_NAME with your Azure domain name:
openssl req -x509 -days 365 -new -key private.pem -out public.pem -addext extendedKeyUsage=serverAuth,clientAuth -subj “/CN=*YOUR_AZURE_DOMAIN_NAME” -
Create a PFX certificate. Execute this command after replacing PASSWORD with a password for FPX certificate, and store the password in a secure location as it will be used again in the next steps:
openssl pkcs12 -export -in public.pem -inkey private.pem -out Azure_cert.pfx -password pass: PASSWORD
This will generate a PFX certificate named Azure_cert.pfx in your current directory. This certificate will be deployed to Azure AD DS in the next steps.
Enable secure LDAP
Login to Azure portal, search for Azure AD Domain Services.
Click on your Azure AD Domain Service.
Select Secure LDAP
By default, secure LDAP access to your managed domain is disabled: toggle Secure LDAP to Enable.
Secure LDAP access to your managed domain over the internet is disabled by default. Toggle Allow secure LDAP access over the internet to Enable
Select the folder icon next to .PFX file with secure LDAP certificate. Browse to the path of the Azure_cert.pfx file, then select the certificate Azure_cert.pfx .
Enter the password to decrypt .PFX file: this is the password that is used when Azure_cert.pfx is created.
Select Save to enable secure LDAP.
A notification is displayed that secure LDAP is being configured for the managed domain. You can’t modify other settings for the managed domain until this operation is complete.
It takes a few minutes to enable secure LDAP for your managed domain.
Lockdown secure LDAP access over the internet
Click Properties, then select your network security group
On the left-hand side of the network security group pane, choose Settings > Inbound security rules
Click Add, then create a rule to allow TCP port 636: For improved security, choose the source as IP Addresses and then specify your Docker-host machine public IP address. This is necessary to enable network connectivity to the Forcepoint SCIM service hosted on premise.
Click Add to save and apply the rule.
Step 6: Enable Azure AD Domain Services password hash synchronization
When Azure AD Domain Service is deployed for the first time, it does not contain any password hash for the existing users within Azure AD, therefore users intended to be used for SMC authentication must have their password changed before authentication in SMC will work.
The password change process will store password hashes inside Azure AD Domain Services so that users authenticating through LDAPs from SMC and other applications will be verified in a secure way. The preferred method to have password changes is left to the Azure AD administrator implementing this integration: for example manually expiring the passwords of all users who will use the SMC integration (this will force a password change upon a new sign-in attempt) or instructing users to manually change their password at their preferred schedule.
Manually password changing:
Go to the Azure AD Access Panel page at
In the top-right corner, select your name, then choose Profile from the drop-down menu.
On the Profile page, select Change password.
On the Change password page, enter your existing (old) password, then enter and confirm a new password.
Select Submit.
Wait 10 minutes after the password change has been completed (including the password of the user with Global Administrator role within Azure AD) then proceed to the next step.
Step 7: Create an external Active Directory authentication server and external user domain in SMC
Execute the following command:
./deployment deploy-smc -
Entering the password for the Azure username with administrator role being used.
Exit from the deployment container with this command:
exit -
Terminate docker-compose for the deployment with this command:
docker-compose -f docker-compose-deployment.yml down
Step 8: Run server containers
In the above steps we created all resources required on both Azure and Forcepoint SMC using the deployment docker-compose files. In this step we will configure the Nginx Reverse Proxy server, Forcepoint SCIM service and SMC Connector.
In the Docker-host machine do the following steps:
Open .env file.
vi /root/fp-ngfw-connect-Azure-ad/.env -
Add this line to the end of .env file and replace the red Text with your Azure administrator password.
Save the .env file
Change your directory to /root/fp-ngfw-connect-Azure-ad/certs/.
cd /root/fp-ngfw-connect-Azure-ad/certs -
Create cert.key and cert.crt files to be used by Nginx for https connections.
sudo openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout cert.key -out cert.crt -subj “/CN=nginx-reverse” -
Create dhparam.pem file to be used by Nginx for https connections.
sudo openssl dhparam -out dhparam.pem 2048 -
Return to /root/fp-ngfw-connect-Azure-ad directory.
cd /root/fp-ngfw-connect-Azure-ad -
Run the following command to run Nginx Reverse Proxy server, Forcepoint SCIM service, and SMC Connector containers.
docker-compose -f docker-compose-servers.yml up
The result will be as in the following screenshot
Now all servers are running and ready to process any incoming request from Azure.
Step 9: Assign users to the Azure App
The Azure App is configured to sync only assigned users with Forcepoint SMC. To assign a user to your Azure app follow these steps:
Select your Azure app.
Select Users and Groups.
Click Add user > Users and groups.
Select the users to be assigned to the Azure app.
Click Select > Assign
Step 10: Add SCIM credentials
The last step is to add Forcepoint SCIM credentials to your Azure app for provisioning. Any Linux machine can be used for this step.
Open a terminal
Define these variables with your own information inside the terminal:
Execute the following command to obtain a valid access token for Forcepoint SCIM service.
curl -d "productName=smc&userName=$user_name&password=$smc_key" -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -X POST http://$docker_host_ip/scim/v2/token;echo ""
The output of the above command is the value of a valid access token for Forcepoint SCIM Service
Copy the value of the access token (yellow text in the screenshot) and save it in a secure location: this access token will be used in the configuration of the Azure app for automated provisioning.
Login to the Azure portal.
Search Azure Active Directory.
Click Enterprise applications.
Find your Azure app and click on it.
Click Provisioning.
In the Tenant URL field enter http://YOUR_DOCKER_HOST_PUBLIC_IP/scim/v2 replacing the red part with the actual public IP address of the Docker-host machine.
In the Secret Token field enter the access token for Forcepoint SCIM service obtained with the command at step 3 of this chapter.
Finally, change the Provisioning status to On and click Save.
Once you have saved the settings, the provisioning cycle will start. Provisioning cycle interval is 40 minutes. In each provisioning cycle, Azure will only sync assigned users with your Forcepoint SMC.
Once a provisioning cycle is completed, assigned users can login to Forcepoint SMC with their Azure credentials where login name will be in this format <FirstName>.<LastName>. For example, if the Azure login name is, the login name for Forcepoint SMC will be john.doe
Step 11: Apply SMC roles to Azure users
For all newly synced users, their permissions assigned within SMC will be Viewer. Different SMC roles can be assigned to Azure users by simply changing the user’s group membership.
In the Azure Active Directory, the following groups are automatically created to mirror the SMC administrator permissions:
Logs Viewer
Reports Manager
To add/remove permissions to a user, simply add/remove that user from the corresponding group.
Example: to give Editor and Monitor permission to user B, simply add user B as a member to the AD group Editor and to the AD group Monitor.
The members of superuser groups would have full administrator permissions into the SMC.
Step 12: Access on-promise Forcepoint SMC via Azure application
users how are assigned to your Azure app, can use your Azure app to access Forcepoint SMC on-promise with the following steps:
Find your Azure app and click on it. This will redirect your web browser to Forcepoint SMC on-promise.
Enter your Azure credentials: Username is your Azure nickName.
Implementation - Traditional
The solution described in this chapter requires
A Centos 7.3 machine (with at least 2GB of RAM and 20GB of storage) able to reach the Forcepoint SMC host machine over the network. This machine requires a public IP address or public DNS to expose its services and it will be referenced in the rest of this document with the name host-machine.
The source files for this implementation, contained in the archive fp-ngfw-connect-Azure-ad.tar.gz available at the link
The archive fp-ngfw-connect-Azure-ad.tar.gz contains the following files and folders:
scim-smc: the Forcepoint SCIM service application.
smc-connector: the SMC Connector application.
deployment: the deployment application for deploying templates to Azure, creating external Active Directory authentication server and external users domain in Forcepoint SMC.
scim.yml: the configuration for the Forcepoint SCIM service application.
connector.yml: the configuration file for the SMC Connector application.
deployment.yml: the configuration file for the deployment application.
Nginx folder, where Nginx configurations are stored.
forcepoint_scim.service: systemd file for the Forcepoint SCIM service.
smc_connector.service: systemd file for SMC Connector service.
- a bash script to install all required dependencies.
Step 1: Modify configuration files
Inside the host-machine unpack the fp-ngfw-connect-Azure-ad.tar.gz archive and change your directory to fp-ngfw-connect-Azure-ad
tar -zxvf fp-ngfw-connect-Azure-ad.tar.gz cd fp-ngfw-connect-Azure-ad |
Create an SSL certificate that will be used inside the Nginx reverse proxy:
Change the directory to /root/fp-ngfw-connect-Azure-ad/nginx/certs/.
cd /root/fp-ngfw-connect-Azure-ad/nginx/certs -
Create cert.key and cert.crt files.
sudo openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout cert.key -out cert.crt -subj “/CN=nginx-reverse” -
Create dhparam.pem file.
sudo openssl dhparam -out dhparam.pem 2048 -
Return to root/fp-ngfw-connect-Azure-ad directory.
cd /root/fp-ngfw-connect-Azure-ad
Modify deployment.yml file
The contents of deployment.yml file are as follows:
SMC: LOGGER_JSON_FORMAT: false PARAMETERS_PATH: /root/smc_connecotr/fp-ngfw-connect-Azure-ad |
Open deployment.yml file with a text editor such as vi and do the following steps.
Replace INSERT_USER_SMC_IP_ADDRESS_HERE with your Forcepoint SMC internal IP address.
Replace INSERT_YOUR_SMC_API_KEY_HERE with your Forcepoint SMC Client API key
Replace INSERT_YOUR_AZURE_APPLICATION_NAME with your Azure app name that was created in the initial chapter Create Azure Enterprise Application of this document
Replace INSERT_YOUR_AZURE_ADMINISTRATOR_LOGIN_NAME_HERE with your Azure Administrator login name, this administrator most have Global administrator role.
Replace INSERT_YOUR_AZURE_DOMAIN_NAME_HERE with your Azure Domain Name
Replace INSERT_AZURE_LOCATION_HERE with an Azure region. All Azure resources will be created in this location
Replace INSERT_YOUR_HOS_MACHINE_PUBLIC_IP_ADDRESS with the public address of the host-machine.
Replace INSERT_AZURE_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME_HERE with your Azure resource group name, if the resource group name does not exist it will be created.
Replace INSERT_NUMBER_OF_DAYS_FOR_PFX_CERTIFICATE_EXPIRATION_HERE with the number of days for PFX certificate to be expired
Replace INSERT_A_PASSWORD_FOR_PFX_CERTIFICATE_HERE with a password that will be used as a password for the PFX certificate.
Save the deployment.yml file, and move to the next step
Step 2: Install dependencies
Execute the following command to make executable
chmod +x | will create systemd services for Forcepoint SCIM service, SMC connector and will install the following packages:
Golang 1.14
Azure CLI
OpenSSL (upgrade to the latest version)
Execute and pass your Forcepoint SMC internal IP address as a parameter to this script by replacing the part in red in the following example:
Once the installation has finished, do NOT reboot the host-machine but move to the next step.
Step 3: Create PFX certificate Base64 for secure LDAP
Skip this step if you have Azure AD Domain Services already deployed in your Azure Active Directory.
Make sure you are inside fp-ngfw-connect-Azure-ad directory.
Run the following command which will generate a Base64 string of PFX certificate.
./deployment generate-ssl-cert –config ./deployment.yml -
Copy the output of the above command and use it to replace the placeholder PFX_BASE64_WILL_BE_INSERTED_HERE in the deployment.yml file
Step 4: Deploy Azure AD DS template
If Azure AD Domain Services is already deployed in Azure Active Directory, skip this step and move to step 5.
Execute the following command to deploy the Azure AD DS, the application provisioning template and to create Azure groups for SMC roles:
./deployment deploy-Azure –config ./deployment.yml -g -
Enter your password for the administrator login name displayed on screen:
The deployment monitoring progress will start, wait until the progress bar is completed: this can take up to 55 minutes.
Once the above template deployment has finished, Azure will start deploying Azure AD DS and this deployment will take up to 30 minutes and can only be monitored through Azure Portal.
Login to the Azure portal, search for Azure AD Domain Services.
Click on your Azure AD Domain Services
The initial status of the Domain Services will be Deploying
Wait until the status of the Domain Services changes to Running, then move to step 6.
Step 5: Enable LDAPs On Existing Azure AD DS.
In this section we assume you already have an existing Azure AD Domain Service in your Azure Active Directory: the following steps show how to enable LDAPs.
Create a certificate for secure LDAP
Open a terminal
Create a private key with this command:
openssl genrsa 4096 > private.pem -
Create a public key. Execute this command after replacing YOUR_AZURE_DOMAIN_NAME with your Azure domain name.
openssl req -x509 -days 365 -new -key private.pem -out public.pem -addext extendedKeyUsage=serverAuth,clientAuth -subj “/CN=*YOUR_AZURE_DOMAIN_NAME” -
Create a PFX certificate. Execute this command after replacing PASSWORD with a password for FPX certificate, and store the password in a secure location as it will be used again in the next steps
openssl pkcs12 -export -in public.pem -inkey private.pem -out Azure_cert.pfx -password pass: PASSWORD
This will generate a PFX certificate named Azure_cert.pfx in your current directory. This certificate will be deployed to Azure AD DS in the next steps.
Enable secure LDAP
Login to Azure portal, search for Azure AD Domain Services.
Click on your Azure AD Domain Service.
Select Secure LDAP
By default, secure LDAP access to your managed domain is disabled: toggle Secure LDAP to Enable.
Secure LDAP access to your managed domain over the internet is disabled by default. Toggle Allow secure LDAP access over the internet to Enable
Select the folder icon next to .PFX file with secure LDAP certificate. Browse to the path of the Azure_cert.pfx file, then select the certificate Azure_cert.pfx .
Enter the password to decrypt .PFX file: this is the password that is used when Azure_cert.pfx is created.
Select Save to enable secure LDAP.
A notification is displayed that secure LDAP is being configured for the managed domain. You can’t modify other settings for the managed domain until this operation is complete.
It takes a few minutes to enable secure LDAP for your managed domain.
Lockdown secure LDAP access over the internet
Click Properties, then select your network security group.
On the left-hand side of the network security group pane, choose Settings > Inbound security rules.
Click Add, then create a rule to allow TCP port 636: for improved security, choose the source as IP Addresses and then specify your Docker-host machine public IP address. This is necessary to enable network connectivity to the Forcepoint SCIM service hosted on premise.
Click Add to save and apply the rule
Step 6: Enable Azure AD Domain Services password hash synchronization
When Azure AD Domain Service is deployed for the first time, it does not contain any password hash for the existing users within Azure AD, therefore users intended to be used for SMC authentication must have their password changed before authentication in SMC will work.
The password change process will store password hashes inside Azure AD Domain Services so that users authenticating through LDAPs from SMC and other applications will be verified in a secure way. The preferred method to have password changes is left to the Azure AD administrator implementing this integration: for example manually expiring the passwords of all users who will use the SMC integration (this will force a password change upon a new sign-in attempt) or instructing users to manually change their password at their preferred schedule.
Manually password changing:
Go to the Azure AD Access Panel page at
In the top-right corner, select your name, then choose Profile from the drop-down menu.
On the Profile page, select Change password.
On the Change password page, enter your existing (old) password, then enter and confirm a new password.
Select Submit.
Wait 10 minutes after the password change has been completed (including the password of the user with Global Administrator role within Azure AD) then proceed to the next step.
Step 7: Create an external Active Directory authentication server and external user domain in SMC
Execute the following command.
./deployment deploy-smc –config ./deployment.yml -
Enter your Azure administrator password for the displayed login name
Step 8: Modify /var/Azure_smc/connector.yml file
The content of /var/Azure_smc/connector.yml file is:
PORT: 8082
NAME: smc
HOSTNAME: localhost
PORT: 8085
# one or multiple Permissions are required to be assigned to a newly
created user.
# the permissions are: Logs Viewer, Reports Manager, Owner, Viewer,
Operator, Monitor, Editor, NSX Role, Superuser
# if you want to set restricted permissions select one or more
permissions from: Logs_Viewer, Reports_Manager, Owner, Viewer,
Operator, Monitor, Editor, NSX_Role
# for Unrestricted Permissions select Superuser only
# the roles with true value will be selected as default roles.
VIEWER: true
OWNER: false
MONITOR: false
EDITOR: false
NSX_ROLE: false
# can log in to SMC API*
# allow sudo on engines*
# user can sudo via SSH/console. this only can be true if the
selected permission is Superuser*
# user can log in to the shared domain
Open /var/Azure_smc/connector.yml with a text editor such as vi and do the following steps.
Replace INSERT_USER_SMC_IP_ADDRESS_HERE with your Forcepoint SMC internal IP address.
Replace INSERT_YOUR_SMC_API_KEY_HERE with your Forcepoint SMC Client API key
Replace INSERT_YOUR_AZURE_DOMAIN_NAME_HERE with your Azure Domain Name.
Replace INSERT_YOUR_AZURE_APP_NAME_HERE with your Azure application name.
Replace INSERT_YOUR_AZURE_ADMINSTRATOR_LOGIN_NAME_HERE with your Azure Administrator login-name.
Replace INSERT_YOUR_AZURE_ADMINSTRATOR_PASSWORD_HERE with your Azure Administrator password.
Save the connector.yml file
Step 9: Reboot Host-Machine
Reboot the host-machine
Check the status of Nginx.service, forcepoint_scim.service and smc_connector.service:
systemctl list-units | grep -e nginx -e forcepoint_scim -e smc_connector
The expected output is similar to the below screenshot: all services are running and ready to process any income request from Azure.
[root@localhost ~]# systemctl list-units | grep -e nginx -e forcepoint_scim -e smc_connector forcepoint_scim.service loaded active running Forcepoint SCIM service nginx.service loaded active running The nginx HTTP and reverse proxy server smc_connector.service loaded active running Forcepoint SMC connector service |
Step 10: Add SCIM credentials
The last step is to add Forcepoint SCIM credentials to your Azure app for provisioning. Any Linux machine can be used for this step.
Open a terminal.
Define these variables with your own information inside the terminal:
user_name=YOUR_SMC_ADMIN_NAME smc_key=SMC_API_KEY host_machine_public_ip=YOUR_HOST_MACHINE_PUBLIC_IP
Execute the following command in any Linux machine in order to obtain a valid access token for Forcepoint SCIM service.
curl -d "productName=smc&userName=$user_name&password=$smc_key" -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -X POST http://$host_machine_public_ip/scim/v2/token;echo ""
Output: the output of the above command is the value of a valid access token for Forcepoint SCIM Service
Copy the value of the access token (yellow text in the screenshot) and save it in a secure location: this access token will be used in the configuration of the Azure app for automated provisioning.
Login to the Azure portal
Search Azure Active Directory.
Select Enterprise applications.
Find your Azure app and click on it.
Select Provisioning.
In Tenant URL field enter: http:// HOST_MACHINE_PUBLIC_IP/scim/v2.
In the Secret Token field enter the access token for Forcepoint SCIM service
In the Secret Token field enter the access token for Forcepoint SCIM service.
Finally, change the Provisioning Status to On and click Save.
Once you have saved the settings, the provisioning cycle will start. Provisioning cycle interval is 40 minutes. In each provisioning cycle, Azure will only sync assigned users with your Forcepoint SMC.
Once a provisioning cycle is completed, assigned users can login to Forcepoint SMC with their Azure credentials where login name will be in this format userFirstName.userLastName
Step 11: Assign users to Azure App
Your Azure App is configured to sync only assigned users with Forcepoint SMC. To Assign a user to your Azure app, follow these steps:
Select your Azure app.
Select Users and Groups.
Click on Add user.
Click on Users and groups.
Select the user/users you would like to assign to your Azure app.
Click on Select > Assign
Step 12: Apply SMC Roles to Azure Users
For all newly synced users, their permissions assigned within SMC will be Viewer. Different SMC roles can be assigned to Azure users by simply changing the user’s group membership.
In the Azure Active Directory, the following groups are automatically created to mirror the SMC administrator permissions:
Logs Viewer
Reports Manager
To add/remove permissions to a user, simply add/remove that user from the corresponding group.
Example: to give Editor and Monitor permission to user B, simply add user B as a member to the AD group Editor and to the AD group Monitor.
The members of superuser groups would have full administrator permissions into the SMC.
Step 13: Access on-promise Forcepoint SMC via Azure application
Users assigned to your SMC Azure app can use your Azure to access Forcepoint SMC on-promise with the following steps:
Find your Azure app and click on it. This will redirect your web browser to Forcepoint SMC on-premise.
Enter your Azure credentials in the format userFirstName.userLastName.
Follow these steps to identify issues impacting the normal operation of the integration described in this document.
Docker Implementation
Validate the prerequisites
Make sure the prerequisites described in the Summary chapter are all satisfied:
Check the versions of Forcepoint NGFW SMC in use are listed as compatible
Forcepoint NGFW Security Management Center (SMC) version or higher
Docker images for this integration have been tested with
Docker 19.03.6 Docker-compose 1.25.4
The docker host machine should meet the minimum hardware requirements of at least 2GB of RAM and 20GB of storage
User needs sudo permissions in the docker host machine
Check the user can download the file with the below command:
wget –content-disposition
Check network connectivity
Make sure firewalls or other security appliances are not impacting the network connectivity necessary for the operation of all components involved into this integration:
Check the docker host machine can be accessed via its public ip address or its public DNS name: execute the following command on any machine:
Replacing the YOUR_DOCKER_PUBLIC_IP_ADDRESS with the docker public ip. Once done check the result is similar to below:
of data.
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=128 time=179 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=128 time=181 ms
Check the docker host machine has connectivity to SMC: execute the following command on docker host machine:
Replacing the SMC_PRIVATE_IP_ADDRESS with your Forcepoint SMC private IP address or the hostname. Once done check the result is similar to below:
PING SMC_PRIVATE_IP_ADDRESS.url ( 56(84) bytes of
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=128 time=179 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=128 time=181 ms
Check dependencies are installed
Make sure the software dependencies needed by the components involved into this integration are installed:
Check all dependencies are installed: execute the following command on docker host machine to check docker-compose is installed:
docker-compose –version
Check the output presents a version of 1.25.4 or higher (example below):
docker-compose version 1.25.4, build 8d51620a
Check the host machine has docker installed: Execute the following command on the host machine:
docker info
Check the first few lines of the output are similar to below:
Debug Mode: false
Containers: 3
Running: 2
Paused: 0
> Stopped: 1
Images: 3
**Server Version: 19.03.8**
Check all components are configured and running properly
Make sure the products and services involved into this integration are configured as expected and they are running:
Check the domain service is successfully running in Azure
After Azure user provisioning between SMC and Azure has finished and the user still cannot login to SMC with Azure credentials, please check the following cases:
Ensure your Azure admin password is correct in SMC. Login with the local admin account into SMC and go to User Authentication and Click on Azure domain name.
Double-click on the domain name and if you get the result as shown in the following picture
that could result from 2 cases:
Azure admin password in SMC or the CN(common name) value in SMC external active directory can be wrong
Azure Active Directory domain service LDAP does not accept traffic from SMC
For the first case (Azure admin password in SMC can be wrong), go to User Authentication in SMC, click on Servers, double-click on
Check that the CN value is correct in Bind User ID and enter your Azure admin password in Bind Password.
The CN value is the Name of the admin user Azure Active Directory as shown below:
Click Ok button after entering correct value in CN field of Bind User ID and Bind Password.
For the case 2, go to Azure -> Home ->Azure AD Domain Services -> -> Properties -> domain-services-subnet-nsg
Make sure the source ip address for AllowLDAPs is your docker host machine’s ip address. If ip address is not correct, double-click on AllowLDAPs and enter the correct ip address.
Traditional Implementation
Validate the prerequisites
Make sure the prerequisites described in the Summary chapter are all satisfied:
Check the versions of Forcepoint NGFW SMC in use are listed as compatible
Forcepoint NGFW Security Management Center (SMC) version or higher
Verify the integration is operating correctly on a CentOS 7.3 machine with at least 2GB of RAM and 20GB of storage
User needs sudo permissions for installing necessary certificates and keys
Check the user can download the file with the below command:
wget –content-disposition
Check network connectivity
Make sure firewalls or other security appliances are not impacting the network connectivity necessary for the operation of all components involved into this integration:
Check the host machine can be accessed via its public ip address or its public DNS name: execute the following command on any machine:
Replacing the YOUR_DOCKER_PUBLIC_IP_ADDRESS with the docker public ip. Once done check the result is similar to below:
56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=128 time=179 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=128 time=181 ms
Check the Centos 7.3 host machine can reach the Forcepoint SMC host machine over the network: execute the following command on host machine:
Replacing the SMC_PRIVATE_IP_ADDRESS with your Forcepoint SMC private Ip address or the host-name. Once done check the result is similar to below:
PING SMC_PRIVATE_IP_ADDRESS.url ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=128 time=179 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=128 time=181 ms
Check dependencies are installed
Make sure the software dependencies needed by the components involved into this integration are installed:
Check all dependencies are installed: execute the following command on host machine to check go is installed:
go version
Check the output is similar to below:
go version go1.14.1 linux/amd64
Check Azure CLI is installed: Execute following command on host machine:
az version
Check the output is similar to below:
{ "Azure-cli": "2.3.1", "Azure-cli-command-modules-nspkg": "2.0.3", "Azure-cli-core": "2.3.1", "Azure-cli-nspkg": "3.0.4", "Azure-cli-telemetry": "1.0.4", "extensions": {}
Check openssl is installed: Execute following command on host machine:
openssl version
Check the output is similar to below:
OpenSSL 1.0.2k-fips 26 Jan 2017
Check nginx service is installed and running properly: Execute following command on host machine:
systemctl status nginx
Check the output is similar to below:
● nginx.service - The nginx HTTP and reverse proxy server Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/nginx.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled) Active: active (running) since Tue 2020-04-21 15:55:18 UTC; 8min ago Process: 998 ExecStart=/usr/sbin/nginx (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS) Process: 983 ExecStartPre=/usr/sbin/nginx -t (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS) Process: 976 ExecStartPre=/usr/bin/rm -f /run/ (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS) Main PID: 1005 (nginx) CGroup: /system.slice/nginx.service ├─1005 nginx: master process /u
Check python3.6 is installed: Execute following command on host machine:
python3 –version
Check the output is similar to below:
Python 3.6.8
Check all components are configured and running properly
Make sure the products and services involved into this integration are configured as expected and they are running:
Check the domain service is successfully running in Azure
After Azure user provisioning between SMC and Azure has finished and the user still cannot login to SMC with Azure credentials, please check the following cases:
Ensure your Azure admin password is correct in SMC. Login with the local admin account into SMC and go to User Authentication and Click on Azure domain name.
Double-click on the domain name and if you get the result as shown in the following picture
that could result from 2 cases:
Azure admin password in SMC or the CN(common name) value in SMC external active directory can be wrong
Azure Active Directory domain service LDAP does not accept traffic from SMC
For the first case (Azure admin password in SMC can be wrong), go to User Authentication in SMC, click on Servers, double-click on
Check that the CN value is correct in Bind User ID and enter your Azure admin password in Bind Password.
The CN value is the Name of the admin user Azure Active Directory as shown below:
Click Ok button after entering correct value in CN field of Bind User ID and Bind Password.
For the case 2, go to Azure -> Home ->Azure AD Domain Services -> -> Properties -> domain-services-subnet-nsg
Make sure the source ip address for AllowLDAPs is your host machine’s ip address. If ip address is not correct, double-click on AllowLDAPs and enter the correct ip address.