Forcepoint Behavioral Analytics and Azure Active Directory - Secure Hybrid Access
Table of contents
- Forcepoint Behavioral Analytics and Azure Active Directory - Secure Hybrid Access
- Summary
- Azure Application Proxy Connector & Azure App
- Implementation - Docker
- Step 1: Configure PostgresSQL SSL communication with Docker-host Machine
- Step 2: Login to Docker Registry
- Step 3: Create a configs directory
- Step 4: Create config.yml file
- Step 5: Copy the following into /root/configs/config.yml file and update the required parameters
- Step 6: Start Sync Service Docker Container
- Step 7: Configure Forcepoint Behavioral Analytics for Single sign-on with SAML
- Step 8: Assign users to Azure Application
- Step 9: Assign Forcepoint Behavioral Analytics Roles to users of Forcepoint Behavioral Analytics Azure Application
- Step 10: Access on-premise Forcepoint Behavioral Analytics via Azure application
- Implementation - Traditional
- Step 1: Configure PostgresSQL SSL communication with host-machine
- Step 2: Download Source Code
- Step 3: Update the config file
- Step 4: Install the required packages
- Step 5: Reboot host-machine
- Step 6 Configure Forcepoint Behavioral Analytics for Single sign-on with SAML
- Step 7: Assign users to Azure Application
- Step 8: Assign Forcepoint Behavioral Analytics Roles to users of Forcepoint Behavioral Analytics Azure Application
- Step 9: Access on-premise Forcepoint Behavioral Analytics via Azure application
- Troubleshooting
These contents are licensed under Apache License, Version 2.0.
Document Revision
Version | Date | Author | Notes |
0.1 | 26 May 2020 | Dlo Bagari | First draft |
0.2 | 08 June 2020 | Neelima Rai | Added Troubleshooting chapter |
0.3 | 09 June 2020 | Mattia Maggioli | Review |
0.4 | 24 June 2020 | Jonathan Knepher | Review |
0.5 | 04 September 2020 | Mattia Maggioli | Updated layout and styles |
This guide provides step by step instructions to set up an integration between Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) secure hybrid access and Forcepoint Behavioral Analytics.
The automated integration enables Forcepoint Behavioral Analytics access and authentication through Azure AD users/policies and exposes Forcepoint Behavioral Analytics as an Azure app for remote management: selected Azure AD users can be assigned with different levels of access into Forcepoint Behavioral Analytics.
The code and instructions provided enable system administrators to automatically:
Silently download and install Azure Application Proxy Service Connector on a Windows machine.
Register Azure Application Proxy Service Connector with your Azure tenant.
Create an Azure Application and link it with Azure Application Proxy Connector.
Configure an Azure Application for Single Sign-On with SAML.
Create Azure groups for Forcepoint Behavioral Analytics Roles
Sync users assigned to the Azure application with Forcepoint Behavioral Analytics user accounts
Control and manage Forcepoint Behavioral Analytics user roles via Azure Portal
Configure Forcepoint Behavioral Analytics UI for Single Sign-On with SAML.
A description of the workflow between the components involved in this POC is depicted in this diagram:
Source Code
The integration described in this document was developed and tested with the following product versions:
Forcepoint Behavioral Analytics version 3.1.0
Windows Server 2016 as hosting machine of the Application Proxy Connector component
This interoperability uses:
Application Proxy script: a PowerShell script to download and install Azure Application Proxy Connector, and create an Azure Application configured with Application Proxy and single sign-on using SAML.
Sync Service: a service that syncs users assigned with the Azure Application and Forcepoint Behavioral Analytics users. Also, this service applies roles to Forcepoint Behavioral Analytics users according to group membership assigned to selected Azure AD users.
Implementation options
Two implementation options are provided in this document
Docker – leverages docker images where the integration component is already installed with all necessary dependencies.
Traditional – requires the manual deployment of the integration component inside a clean Centos 7 host-machine.
The docker images for this integration have been tested working with:
- Docker 19.03.6
while the traditional version of this integration has been tested working with the following requirements
- Centos 7.x with at least 2 GB RAM and 20 GB disk
Azure Application Proxy Connector & Azure App
The solution described in this chapter requires a Windows machine (recommended Windows Server 2016) within the same network of Forcepoint Behavioral Analytics UI machine.
Application_proxy.ps1 is a PowerShell script implemented to automate the following task:
Install required packages and PowerShell modules on the Windows machine
Download Azure Application Proxy Service connector on the Windows machine
Install Azure Application Proxy Service connector on the Windows machine
Register your Azure AD tenant with the Application Proxy connector installed on the Windows machine
Create an Azure Application with the name ‘Forcepoint Behavioral Analytics’
Configure ‘Forcepoint Behavioral Analytics’ application to use Application proxy and Single sign-on with SAML
To download and execute the script on your Windows machine do the following steps:
Run PowerShell ISE as administrator
Execute the following command to allow your PowerShell to download files
[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
Execute the following command to download the file into your home directory
Invoke-WebRequest –Uri -OutFile ~\
Unzip the file. This will generate a folder called application_proxy which contains application_proxy.ps1 script.
Open application_proxy.ps1 with Notepad and copy its contents.
On the Powershell ISE click on Script to open the script pane.
Paste the contents of application_proxy.ps1 into script pane.
Run the script by clicking on
When the script runs for the first time it will check the PowerShell version and .NET framework version: if an update is required the script will download these updates and install them (this might take a few minutes). Your Windows machine might reboot after installing the required updates. If your machine has rebooted, repeat the steps above to copy the script into PowerShell script pane and click the
icon to execute it.
Enter your Azure administrator login-name:
Next, you will be asked to enter the password for your Azure administrator account. Enter your password and click OK.
Next, you will be asked to enter the private IP address for the Forcepoint backend server: this is the private IP address of the machine hosting the Forcepoint Behavioral Analytics UI component (also called ro-ui service).
The following menu will be displayed, press 3 then Enter.
The first part of the script will download, install and register Azure Application Proxy Service Connector
The second part of the script creates an Azure application with the name Forcepoint Behavioral Analytics and configure it.
Once the Azure application Forcepoint Behavioral Analytics has been created and configured, the script will open your web browser and ask you to login to the application’s single sign-on page. Enter your Azure credentials to load the single sign-on page and click on SAML.
Go back to your PowerShell console and press Enter.
Press q then Enter to quit.
Implementation - Docker
The solution described in this chapter requires:
- A Linux machine (Centos 7.3 recommended with at least 2 GB RAM and 20 GB disk) within the same network where Forcepoint Behavioral Analytics is installed. This machine will be referenced in the rest of this document as the Docker-host Machine.
The following component must be existing in the Docker-host Machine:
- Docker Engine installed on the Docker-host: if Docker Engine is not installed visit docker-installation-docs to install Docker Engine on Docker-host
Step 1: Configure PostgresSQL SSL communication with Docker-host Machine
The Sync Service interacts with the Forcepoint Behavioral Analytics PostgresSQL database to add/remove users, user’s roles, and sessions using SSL connections to encrypt the communications between the Sync Service component and the Forcepoint Behavioral Analytics PostgresSQL database.
The Forcepoint Behavioral Analytics Postgres machine needs to be configured to accept SSL connections from the Sync Service.
Login to Forcepoint Behavioral Analytics postgres machine and do the following:
Open /data/ro-postgres/pg_hba.conf
vi /data/ro-postgres/pg_hba.conf
Add the following line into /data/ro-postgres/pg_hba.conf under # “local”
hostssl the_ui postgres <DOCKER_PRIVATE_HOST_IP_ADDRESS> trust
If your PostgresSQL databse name is not the_ui, replace the_ui with your database name. If your PostgresSQL username is not postgres, replace postgres with your username
Save /data/ro-postgres/pg_hba.conf
Reboot the Postgres service using the following command
systemctl restart postgresql-9.6.service
Next, Login to your Docker-Host Machine and do the following steps.
Step 2: Login to Docker Registry
Step 3: Create a configs directory
Step 4: Create config.yml file
Step 5: Copy the following into /root/configs/config.yml file and update the required parameters
The parameters in /root/configs/config.yml are:
POSTGRES_HOST: is the Forcepoint Behavioral Analytics Postgres server’s private IP address. Change the value of this parameter to match your Forcepoint Behavioral Analytics Postgres server private IP address.
POSTGRES_PORT: is the Postgres port number, the default value is 5432. DO NOT CHANGE this value unless your Postgres service configured with a different port
POSTGRES_USER_NAME: the username for SQL Postgres, the default value is postgres. DO NOT CHANGE this value unless your SQL Postgres service configured with a different username
POSTGRES_DATABASE_PASSWORD: The Postgres user’s password. if you DO NOT have password remove this parameter from config.yml
POSTGRES_DATABASE_NAME: is the name of the database that contains Forcepoint Behavioral Analytics user’s tables, the default name is the_ui. DO NOT CHANGE this value unless your Postgres service has a different database name for user’s tables
AZURE_APPLICATION_NAME: is the Azure Application name, the default value for this parameter is Forcepoint Behavioral Analytics. DO NOT CHANGE the value of this parameter.
USERS_SYNC_TIME_IN_MINUTES: default value for this parameter is 3, the Sync Service will sync between Azure users and Forcepoint Behavioral Analytics users with the frequency defined with this value.
DEFAULT_FBA_PASSWORD: a default password for the newly created users in Forcepoint Behavioral Analytics. When a new user is assigned to your Azure application and that user does not exists in Forcepoint Behavioral Analytics users database, the Sync Service will create that user in the Forcepoint Behavioral Analytics database and use this value as its password. Once the user logs in to Forcepoint Behavioral Analytics they can change their password. Change the value of this parameter.
SSO_CONFIG_SCRIPT_PATH: is the path for the script which will be generated by Sync Service. DO NOT CHANGE the value of this parameter. This script is necessary to switch Forcepoint Behavioral Analytics UI from local credentials into SAML authentication.
Step 6: Start Sync Service Docker Container
Execute the following command to start the Sync Service docker container:
Then enter your Azure credentials (username and password):
Note: you can add the following parameters to the /root/configs/config.yml file to avoid entering credentials manually.
When Sync Service runs for the first time, it will configure your Azure application for single sign-on with SAML and generate a shell script for configuring Forcepoint Behavioral Analytics for Single sign-on with SAML. This script will have to run inside the machine hosting the Forcepoint Behavioral Analytics UI service in order to switch authentication method to SAML.
Step 7: Configure Forcepoint Behavioral Analytics for Single sign-on with SAML
Once Sync Service runs for the first time it will generate a bash script named under /root/configs directory in the Docker-host machine
To configure Forcepoint Behavioral Analytics for single sign-on with SAML do the following steps:
Copy /root/configs/ from the Docker-host machine to Forcepoint Behavioral Analytics UI server
Make executable inside Forcepoint Behavioral Analytics UI server
chmod +x -
Execute inside Forcepoint Behavioral Analytics UI server
sudo ./
Step 8: Assign users to Azure Application
The users assigned to the Azure Application Forcepoint Behavioral Analytics just created will have the right access to sign-on to Forcepoint Behavioral Analytics with single sign-on (SAML).
Log-in to Azure portal
Navigate to Azure Active Directory > Enterprise applications > All applications
Click on Forcepoint Behavioral Analytics application
Select Users and groups
Click on Add user
Click on Users and groups
Select the users you want to assign to the application. You can only select users since there is no provision to map Azure AD groups into Forcepoint Behavioral Analytics.
Click on Select then Assign
Step 9: Assign Forcepoint Behavioral Analytics Roles to users of Forcepoint Behavioral Analytics Azure Application
This integration allows system administrators to control Forcepoint Behavioral Analytics user roles and permissions via Azure Portal.
Each Forcepoint Behavioral Analytics role is mapped to a group in Azure AD, doing this we can assign Forcepoint Behavioral Analytics permissions to Azure AD users by using group memberships. The Azure AD groups are:
FP-FBA Role: admin: User management only. Manages users, permissions, and user activity logs
FP-FBA Role: analyst: access the Review Dashboard page as well as the Job Status and Profile pages under the Settings menu.
FP-FBA Role: behaviors analyst: access the Behaviors page, Analytic Dashboard, and the Job Status and Profile pages under the Settings menu.
FP-FBA Role: developer: In-progress use, access pages that are experimental or under development
FP-FBA Role: exporter: File exporting, access functionality for exporting events
FP-FBA Role: modeler: Behavioral Modeling, create, update, and delete Models and Features (need Behaviors Analyst Role to read Behaviors page)
FP-FBA Role: RAP user: Risk-Adaptive-Protection User. Has access to dashboard, entities page, entity profile, jobs, exports, and explore page.
FP-FBA Role: RAP user admin: Risk-Adaptive-Protection Admin. Has access to user management pages.
FP-FBA Role: recycler: Impending removal: access pages that are under development for removal.
FP-FBA Role: restricted reviewer: Can access and use the Review Dashboard, with the restrictions on available Actions in the Event Viewer and limited to only seeing Features that are in the users Saved Searches.
FP-FBA Role: restricted user: Restricted User. Can access the Explore page as well as the Configuration, Guide, and Profile pages under the Settings menu.
FP-FBA Role: reviewer: Can access and use the Review Dashboard
FP-FBA Role: shielded user: Can access Analytic Dashboard, Review Dashboard, Entity Timeline, Explore page as well as the Configuration and Guide, but is shielded from certain raw fields
FP-FBA Role: user: access the Explore and Entities pages as well as the Configuration, Guide, and Profile pages under the Settings menu.
FP-FBA Status: Active: Active users have all granted privileges to them. All actions are visible.
FP-FBA Status: Inactive: Inactive users cannot login, their history is visible within Forcepoint Forcepoint Behavioral Analytics and indicated with inactive label.
Note: the role restricted user and shielded user cannot be used in conjunction with other roles since these roles limit the permissions and would conflict with the other roles.
Step 10: Access on-premise Forcepoint Behavioral Analytics via Azure application
Users assigned to the Azure application Forcepoint Behavioral Analytics can access the UI of the on-premise Forcepoint Behavioral Analytics instance from remote, following these steps:
Click on Forcepoint Behavioral Analytics
Click on Get Started to login to Forcepoint Behavioral Analytics.
Implementation - Traditional
The solution described in this chapter requires
- A CentOS 7.x machine able to reach the Forcepoint Behavioral Analytics services over the network. This machine will be referenced in the rest of this document with the name host-machine.
Step 1: Configure PostgresSQL SSL communication with host-machine
The Sync service interacts with the Forcepoint Behavioral Analytics PostgresSQL database to add/remove users, user roles and sessions using SSL connections to encrypt the communications between the Sync service components and the Forcepoint Behavioral Analytics PostgresSQL database.
The Forcepoint Behavioral Analytics Postgres machine needs to be configured to accept the SSL contamination from the Sync Service.
Login to Forcepoint Behavioral Analytics postgres machine and do the following:
Open /data/ro-postgres/pg_hba.conf
vi /data/ro-postgres/pg_hba.conf
Add the following line into /data/ro-postgres/pg_hba.conf under # “local”
hostssl the_ui postgres <HOST-MACHINE_IP_ADDRESS> trust
If your PostgresSQL databse name is not the_ui, replace *the_ui** with your database name. If your PostgresSQL username is not postgres, replace postgres with your username.
Save /data/ro-postgres/pg_hba.conf
Reboot the Postgres service using the following command
systemctl restart postgresql-9.6.service
Next, login to your host-machine and proceed described in the following steps.
Step 2: Download Source Code
Tthe fp-fba-sso-connector-azure.tar.gz file contains the source code for the Traditional Implementation which can be downloaded from this link:
Login to the host-machine as root
Download the fp-fba-sso-connector-azure.tar.gz into /root directory and decompress it with this command:
tar -zxvf fp-fba-sso-connector-azure.tar.gz
Step 3: Update the config file
Change your directory to /root/fp-fba-sso-connector-azure
cd /root/fp-fba-sso-connector-azure
Edit config.yml and insert the values for the parameters listed in the file.
vi config.yml
Parameters listed in the config.yml file are:
POSTGRES_HOST: is the Forcepoint Behavioral Analytics Postgres server’s private IP address. Change the value of this parameter to match your Forcepoint Behavioral Analytics Postgres server private IP address.
POSTGRES_PORT: is the Postgres port number, the default value is 5432. DO NOT CHANGE this value unless your Postgres service configured with a different port
POSTGRES_USER_NAME: the username for SQL Postgres, the default value is ‘postgres’. DO NOT CHANGE this value unless your SQL Postgres service configured with a different username
POSTGRES_DATABASE_PASSWORD: The Postgres user’s password. If you DO NOT have password remove this parameter from config.yml
POSTGRES_DATABASE_NAME: is the name of the database that contains Forcepoint Behavioral Analytics user’s tables, the default name is ‘the_ui. DO NOT CHANGE this value unless your Postgres service has a different database name for user’s tables
AZURE_APPLICATION_NAME: is the Azure Application name, the default value for this parameter is Forcepoint Behavioral Analytics. DO NOT CHANGE the value of this parameter unless you used a different application name.
USERS_SYNC_TIME_IN_MINUTES: default value for this parameter is 3, the Sync Service will sync between Azure users and Forcepoint Behavioral Analytics users every 3 minutes.
DEFAULT_FBA_PASSWORD: a default password for the newly created users in Forcepoint Behavioral Analytics. When a new user is assigned to your Azure application and that user does not exists in Forcepoint Behavioral Analytics users database, the Sync Service will create that user in the Forcepoint Behavioral Analytics database and use this value as its password. Once the user logs in to Forcepoint Behavioral Analytics they can change their password. Change the value of this parameter.
SSO_CONFIG_SCRIPT_PATH: is the path for the / script which will be generated by Sync Service. DO NOT CHANGE the value of this parameter.
AZURE_ADMIN_LOGIN_NAME: change this to your Azure administrator login-name
AZURE_ADMIN_LOGIN_PASSWORD: change this to your Azure administrator password
Step 4: Install the required packages creates a systemd service called fba_azure_sync.service and installs the following packages
Golang v1.14
Azure CLI latest version
Make executable using the following command
then execute the script
Once the installation is completed move to the next step.
Complete! Created symlink from /etc/systemd/system/ to /etc/systemd/system/fba_azure_sync.service. |
Step 5: Reboot host-machine
Reboot the host-machine and execute the following command to ensure the Sync service is running.
[root@localhost ~]# systemctl list-units | grep fba_azure_sync fba_azure_sync.service loaded active running Forcepoint FBA and Azure users sync |
Step 6 Configure Forcepoint Behavioral Analytics for Single sign-on with SAML
Once fba_azure_sync.service runs for the first time, it will generate a bash script named under /root/configs directory. This needs to be run inside the Forcepoint Behavioral Analytics machine hosting the UI service.
To configure Forcepoint Behavioral Analytics for single sign-on with SAML do the following steps:
Copy /root/configs/ to Forcepoint Behavioral Analytics UI server
Make executable inside Forcepoint Behavioral Analytics UI server
chmod +x
Execute inside Forcepoint Behavioral Analytics UI server
sudo ./
Step 7: Assign users to Azure Application
The users assigned to the Azure Application Forcepoint Behavioral Analytics will have access right into Forcepoint Behavioral Analytics with single sign-on (SAML).
Log-in to Azure portal
Navigate to Azure Active Directory > Enterprise applications > All applications
Click on the Forcepoint Behavioral Analytics application
Select Users and groups
Click on Add user
Click on Users and groups
Select the users you want to assign them to the application. You can only select users since there is no provision to map Azure AD groups into Forcepoint Behavioral Analytics.
Click on Select then Assign
Step 8: Assign Forcepoint Behavioral Analytics Roles to users of Forcepoint Behavioral Analytics Azure Application
This integration allows system administrators to control Forcepoint Behavioral Analytics user roles and permissions via Azure Portal.
Each Forcepoint Behavioral Analytics role is mapped to a group in Azure AD, doing this we can assign Forcepoint Behavioral Analytics permissions to Azure AD users by using group memberships. The Azure AD groups are:
FP-FBA Role: admin: User management only. Manages users, permissions, and user activity logs
FP-FBA Role: analyst: access the Review Dashboard page as well as the Job Status and Profile pages under the Settings menu.
FP-FBA Role: behaviors analyst: access the Behaviors page, Analytic Dashboard, and the Job Status and Profile pages under the Settings menu.
FP-FBA Role: developer: In-progress use, access pages that are experimental or under development
FP-FBA Role: exporter: File exporting, access functionality for exporting events
FP-FBA Role: modeler: Behavioral Modeling, create, update, and delete Models and Features (need Behaviors Analyst Role to read Behaviors page)
FP-FBA Role: RAP user: Risk-Adaptive-Protection User. Has access to dashboard, entities page, entity profile, jobs, exports, and explore page.
FP-FBA Role: RAP user admin: Risk-Adaptive-Protection Admin. Has access to user management pages.
FP-FBA Role: recycler: Impending removal: access pages that are under development for removal.
FP-FBA Role: restricted reviewer: Can access and use the Review Dashboard, with the restrictions on available Actions in the Event Viewer and limited to only seeing Features that are in the users Saved Searches.
FP-FBA Role: restricted user: Restricted User. Can access the Explore page as well as the Configuration, Guide, and Profile pages under the Settings menu.
FP-FBA Role: reviewer: Can access and use the Review Dashboard
FP-FBA Role: shielded user: Can access Analytic Dashboard, Review Dashboard, Entity Timeline, Explore page as well as the Configuration and Guide, but is shielded from certain raw fields
FP-FBA Role: user: access the Explore and Entities pages as well as the Configuration, Guide, and Profile pages under the Settings menu.
FP-FBA Status: Active: Active users have all granted privileges to them. All actions are visible.
FP-FBA Status: Inactive: Inactive users cannot login, their history is visible within Forcepoint Forcepoint Behavioral Analytics and indicated with inactive label.
Note: the role restricted user and shielded user cannot be used in conjunction with other roles since these roles limit the permissions and would conflict with the other roles.
Step 9: Access on-premise Forcepoint Behavioral Analytics via Azure application
Users assigned to the Azure application Forcepoint Behavioral Analytics can access the UI of the on-premise Forcepoint Behavioral Analytics instance from remote, following these steps:
Click on Forcepoint Behavioral Analytics
Click on Get Started to login to Forcepoint Behavioral Analytics.
Follow these steps to identify issues impacting the normal operation of the integration described in this document.
Docker Implementation
Validate the prerequisites
Make sure the prerequisites described in the Summary chapter are all satisfied:
Check the version of Forcepoint Forcepoint Behavioral Analytics in use is listed as compatible
Forcepoint Behavioral Analytics version 3.1.0
Docker images for this integration have been tested with
Docker 19.03.6
The docker implementation has been tested on a CentOS 7.3 machine (with at least 2 GB RAM and 20 GB disk) with docker engine installed
User needs sudo permissions in the docker host machine
Check network connectivity
Make sure firewalls or other security appliances are not impacting the network connectivity necessary for the operation of all components involved into this integration:
Check the docker host machine has connectivity to Forcepoint Behavioral Analytics UI machine: execute the following command on docker host machine:
ping -c 2 FBA-UI-IP
Once done check the result is similar to below:
PING FBA-UI-IP ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=128 time=179 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=128 time=181 ms
Check the docker host machine has connectivity to Forcepoint Behavioral Analytics PostgreSQL machine: execute the following command on docker host machine:
ping -c 2 FBA-PostgreSQL-machine-IP
Once done check the result is similar to below:
PING FBA-PostgreSQL-machine-IP ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=128 time=179 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=128 time=181 ms
Check dependencies are installed
Make sure the software dependencies needed by the components involved into this integration are installed:
Check the host machine has docker installed: Execute the following command on the host machine:
docker info
Check the first few lines of the output are similar to below:
Debug Mode: false
Containers: 3
Running: 2
Paused: 0
Stopped: 1
Images: 3
**Server Version: 19.03.8**
Check all components are configured and running properly
Make sure the products and services involved into this integration are configured as expected and they are running:
- Verify the integration completed with no errors: In Azure portal, go to Azure Active Directory > Enterprise Applications > Forcepoint Behavioral Analytics > Single Sign-on
There should only be SAML option in the Single sign-on as shown in the picture below:
Traditional Implementation
Validate the prerequisites
Make sure the prerequisites described in the Summary chapter are all satisfied:
Check the version of Forcepoint Forcepoint Behavioral Analytics in use is listed as compatible
Forcepoint Behavioral Analytics version 3.1.0
Verify the integration is correctly operating on a CentOS 7.x machine with at least 2 GB RAM and 20 GB disk
User needs to be root to install dependencies
Check the user can download the file with the below command:
wget –content-disposition
Check network connectivity
Make sure firewalls or other security appliances are not impacting the network connectivity necessary for the operation of all components involved into this integration:
Check the host machine has connectivity to Forcepoint Behavioral Analytics UI machine: execute the following command on host machine:
ping -c 2 FBA-UI-IP
Once done check the result is similar to below:
PING FBA-UI-IP ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=128 time=179 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=128 time=181 ms
Check the host machine has connectivity to Forcepoint Behavioral Analytics PostgreSQL machine: execute the following command on host machine:
ping -c 2 FBA-PostgreSQL-machine-IP
Once done check the result is similar to below:
PING FBA-PostgreSQL-machine-IP ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=128 time=179 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=128 time=181 ms
Check dependencies are installed
Make sure the software dependencies needed by the components involved into this integration are installed:
Check all dependencies are installed: execute the following command on host machine to check go is installed:
go version
Check the output is similar to below:
go version go1.14.1 linux/amd64
Check Azure CLI is installed: Execute following command on host machine:
az version
Check the output is similar to below:
"Azure-cli": "2.3.1",
"Azure-cli-command-modules-nspkg": "2.0.3",
"Azure-cli-core": "2.3.1",
"Azure-cli-nspkg": "3.0.4",
"Azure-cli-telemetry": "1.0.4",
"extensions": {}
Check python3.6 is installed: Execute following command on host machine:
python3 –version
Check the output is similar to below:
Python 3.6.x
Check all components are configured and running properly
Make sure the products and services involved into this integration are configured as expected and they are running:
Check the sync service is running properly by executing this command:
systemctl list-units | grep fba_azure_sync
Verify the output is similar to below:
[root@localhost ~]# systemctl list-units | grep fba_azure_sync fba_azure_sync.service loaded active running Forcepoint FBA and Azure users sync |
- Verify the integration completed with no errors: In Azure portal, go to Azure Active Directory -> Enterprise Applications -> Forcepoint Behavioral Analytics -> Single Sign-on
There should only be SAML option in the Single sign-on as shown in the picture below: