Forcepoint CASB and Azure Sentinel

Table of contents
  1. Forcepoint CASB and Azure Sentinel
  2. Summary
    1. Demo
    2. Source Code
    3. Caveats
  3. Implementation
    1. Step 1 – Create Log Analytics Workspace
    2. Step 2 – Configuration for CASB Log Forwarder
      1. Step 2.1 – Selective logs export using filtering options
    3. Step 3 – Obtain Log Analytics Agent installation command
    4. Step 3 – Download CASB SEIM Tool and Trust Store Files
    5. Step 4 – Installing CASB Log Forwarder
    6. Appendix A – Updating filters configuration
    7. Appendix B – Create a Workbook into Azure Sentinel
  4. Troubleshooting
    1. Validate the prerequisites
    2. Check network connectivity
    3. Check all components are configured and running properly

These contents are licensed under Apache License, Version 2.0.


Document Revision
Version Date Author Notes
0.1 11 December 2019 Dlo Bagari First draft
0.2 12 December 2019 Mattia Maggioli Review
0.3 30 December 2019 Jonathan Knepher Review
0.4 03 January 2020 Dlo Bagari Update
0.5 20 January 2020 Dlo Bagari Updated package names
0.6 12 February 2020 Dlo Bagari Update Screenshot and fields table
0.7 23 March 2020 Neelima Rai Added troubleshooting chapter
0.8 14 September 2020 Mattia Maggioli Minor updates
0.9 22 October 2020 Dlo Bagari Minor updates
0.10 27 October 2020 Dlo Bagari Added support for Java 11 and complex passwords
0.11 08 December 2020 Dlo Bagari Added configuration parameter to delete logs after export to Sentinel, and improved handling of full URLs into log files.


This guide provides step by step instructions to configure an event driven pipeline to pass Forcepoint CASB logs to Azure Sentinel and using the Azure Monitor Workbooks to create custom dashboards from received data.

The code and instructions provided enable system administrators to automatically:

  • Export logs from Forcepoint CASB using SIEM Tool into an intermediate Syslog service

  • Configure Syslog to filter logs in CEF format and forward to Azure Log Analytics Agent only the ones that match the filtering conditions set by the user

  • Configure Azure Log Analytics Agent to receive data from Syslog and forward data to an Azure Workspace

This interoperability enriches visibility into user activities recorded by CASB, enables further correlation with data from Azure workloads and other feeds, and improves monitoring capability with Analytics queries inside Azure Sentinel.

A description of the workflow between the components involved in this POC is depicted in this diagram:


Source Code



These implementation instructions are tested with the following product versions:

  • Azure Sentinel

  • Forcepoint CASB SIEM Tool - version 2019-04-15

The following activities are out of the scope of this document and therefore left to the system administrator, as part of ordinary maintenance procedures to be put in place within the existing infrastructure:

  • configuration of appropriate hygiene procedures to handle logs produced during any step of the solution workflow

  • monitoring of the scripts, services and applications involved in the solution


The solution described in this chapter requires the following files available at this link:

  • fp-casb-exporter-azure-v1.tar.gz

The fp-casb-exporter-azure-v1.tar.gz contains all files necessary to setup and run system service used by CASB Log Forwarder to accomplish the interoperability between Azure Sentinel and Forcepoint CASB

  • Azure CASB Service: runs SIEM Tool to download logs/events from Forcepoint CASB and exports them to Syslog service

We suggest deploying the CASB Log Forwarder on an Ubuntu 18.0.x machine with at least 2 GB RAM and 20 GB of storage, the instructions provided in this document are based on this operating system and the following packages

  • Java 8 and Java 11

  • Python 3

  • Syslog-ng Daemon

  • unzip

The software packages and related dependencies are automatically installed by the script provided inside the fp-casb-exporter-azure-v1.tar.gz file, which will execute the following commands as part of the deployment script of the CASB Log Forwarder:

sudo apt install python3 -y

sudo apt install unzip -y

sudo apt install openjdk-8-jdk -y or sudo apt install openjdk-11-jdk -y

sudo apt install syslog-ng syslog-ng-core -y

The machine hosting the CASB Log Forwarder will be referenced in the rest of this document with the name “Syslog Proxy”.

Step 1 – Create Log Analytics Workspace

In order to send logs/events to Azure Sentinel we need to create an Azure workspace where all logs/events will be stored.

  1. Sign into Azure portal

  2. Click on All services, select Azure Sentinel click on it.

  3. Click on Add

  4. Click on Create a new workspace

  5. Give a name to this workspace, select the subscription type, the resource group (if none exists create a new one) and select the location where this workspace will be hosted.

  6. Click Ok to create the workspace (this might take few minutes)

  7. Click on Add Azure Sentinel

Step 2 – Configuration for CASB Log Forwarder

The parameters required by CASB Log Forwarder are stored in a single file called settings.yml:

The following table provides a description of every parameter in the settings.yml file:

Parameter Description Requires to be changed
log_azure_agent The command to download log analytics agents provided in the documentation of Azure Sentinel YES
casb_host The CASB host name, to be changed based on the instance in use (EU, US) YES
application_directory Directory where the CASB Log Forwarder is stored, by default /var/azure_casb NO
logs_directory The logs directory for application, by default /var/azure_casb/logs NO

Allows to set a start date for the log export. Only CASB logs/events after this date will be downloaded.

Must be in the format: ’YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS'

logs_filter_parameters Allows to set custom filters to selectively export logs. More details on how to use this are explained in Step 2.1 YES
include_admin_audit_logs Allows to include Admin audit logs to be sent to Log Analytics. Possible values are true or false NO
SIEM_tool_outputs_location The location to save SIEM tool outputs NO

Boolean value. Remove logs from your local hard disk after sending them to Azure Sentinel. The default value is true.

All the logs are saved in /var/azure_casb/LOGS_BUFFER’


Step 2.1 – Selective logs export using filtering options

The parameter logs_filter_parameters in settings.yml is used to define the filters used to select which log will be forwarded into Azure Sentinel.

There are two groups of filters:

  • include: this filter allows users to select CASB logs which contain at least one of the values provided as a comma-separated list. The format of each parameter is

<parameter_name>: <possible_value1, possible value2,….., possible_valueN>

The parameter_name is set by the user, so multiple parameters can be added in the include section, provided every parameter_name is unique.

*device_product: Cloud Service Monitoring,SaaS Security Gateway,CASB Admin audit log*

This filter will match and forward to Azure Sentinel any log that contains either “Cloud Service Monitoring”, “SaaS Security Gateway” or “CASB Admin audit log”.

  • exclude: this filter allows to exclude CASB logs which contain any of the values provided as a comma-separated list. The format of each parameter is

<parameter_name>: <possible_value1, possible value2,….., possible_valueN>.

*reason: reason=download

This filter will match and exclude any log that contains the word “download”.

In order to fine tune the filtering logic and define appropriate filters, we advise to review a few logs offline, to identify the best parameters and keywords that will match the events that are relevant for the user.

Step 3 – Obtain Log Analytics Agent installation command

Azure Log Analytics Agent is used on the dedicated Syslog Proxy machine to forward filtered logs to Azure Sentinel and to handle eventual sending logic in case of network disruption that might temporarily make Azure Sentinel unreachable, so that logs are delivered and stored in an Azure Workspace.

In order to deploy the Azure Log Analytics Agent on Syslog Proxy machine, the Log Analytics Agent installation command must be added to the CASB Log Forwarder configuration file settings.yml.

  • Go to the Azure Sentinel portal click Data connectors

  • Select Common Event Format (CEF) and then Open connector page

  • Copy the command for CEF connector (Log analytics Agent)

  • Insert the command as a value for log_azure_agent parameter in the configuration file settings.yml

Step 3 – Download CASB SEIM Tool and Trust Store Files

  1. Login into Forcepoint CASB

  2. On the top right corner, click on Settings to open the settings portal

  3. Click on Tools and Agents, go to SIEM Tool

  4. Click Download Trust Store and download the SIEM tool for Linux

Step 4 – Installing CASB Log Forwarder

Follow these steps to set up CASB Log Forwarder on the target machine

  1. Login via SSH to the Syslog Proxy machine and copy the fp-casb-exporter-azure-v1.tar.gz file into root folder

  2. Change user environment to sudo using the command sudo su and decompress the file using the command tar -zxvf fp-casb-exporter-azure-v1.tar.gz

  3. Go into the /root/ fp-casb-exporter-azure-v1 folder and edit the settings.yml file to update the value of the required parameters, change only the entries that require to be changed according to the table in step 2

  4. Copy truststore and SIEM tool for Linux into the fp-casb-exporter-azure-v1 directory. The context of fp-casb-exporter-azure-v1 must look as follows

  5. Make sure the file is executable using the command sudo chmod a+x

  6. To run you need to have Forcepoint CASB instance username and password, if your password contains any special character, wrap up your password with single quote.

  7. Install CASB Log Forwarder using the command sudo ./ -username <username> -password ‘<password>’

    Note: by default, Java 8 will be installed to run SEIMTool. If your SIEM-Tool requires a Java version higher than 8, use –java_version flag. For example, if your SEIM_tool requires Java 11, then use the command **_sudo ./ -username <username> -password ‘<password>’ -java_version 11**

    The installer script will install the dependencies, read the settings.yml file, move the code to the relevant directories, create and enable at boot all services.

  8. Once the installation is finished, reboot the Syslog Proxy machine then log into the machine

  9. Verify syslog-ng is listening to TCP port “TCP *:shell” and omsagent is listening to “TCP localhost:25226” using command

    lsof -i | grep -e omsagent -e syslog-ng

    root@ubuntu1804:~# lsof -i | grep -e omsagent -e syslog-ng

    syslog-ng 13178 root 11u IPv4 49934 0t0 UDP *:syslog

    syslog-ng 13178 root 12u IPv4 49935 0t0 TCP *:shell (LISTEN)

    syslog-ng 13178 root 13u IPv4 156967 0t0 TCP localhost:45207->localhost:25226 (ESTABLISHED)

    omsagent 16789 omsagent 9u IPv4 129793 0t0 TCP *:25324 (LISTEN)

    omsagent 16789 omsagent 16u IPv4 129801 0t0 TCP localhost:25226 (LISTEN)

    omsagent 16789 omsagent 18u IPv4 129802 0t0 UDP localhost:25224

    omsagent 16789 omsagent 24u IPv4 156968 0t0 TCP localhost:25226->localhost:45207 (ESTABLISHED)

  10. Verify the required systemd services are running using command

    systemctl list-units | grep azure_casb

    root@ubuntu1804:~# systemctl list-units | grep azure_casb

    azure_casb.service loaded active running run azure_casb.service

    The logs/events will be pulled from Forcepoint CASB, forwarded to Azure Sentinel and removed from local hard disk automatically if the value of field remove_logs_after_send is true in settings.yml file. It might take few minutes for logs to appear in Azure Sentinel.

Appendix A – Updating filters configuration

Once CASB Log Forwarder is installed, the only parameters of the settings.yml file that can be updated are logs_filter_parameters and logs_starting_date.

Any change to the parameters will be applied automatically to CASB Log Forwarder after a few seconds with no reboot needed.

Appendix B – Create a Workbook into Azure Sentinel

Workbooks combine text, Analytics queries, Azure Metrics and parameters into rich interactive reports.

  1. Login to Azure Sentinel portal

  2. Select Workbooks from the left-hand menu, under Threat management section. This launches a workbook gallery

  3. Click on Add workbook, this will open a new workbook

  4. Click on Edit, this will make workbook sections editable

  5. Click on Add query, this will launch Log Analytics workspace Logs Query

  6. Insert the following query

    | extend outcome = split(split(AdditionalExtensions, ";", 2)[0], "=", 1)[0]
    | extend reason = split(split(AdditionalExtensions, ";", 3)[0], "=", 1)[0]
    | where outcome =="Failure"
    | summarize countFailure = count() by DestinationUserName, DestinationIP, SourceIP
    | join kind= leftouter (CommonSecurityLog
    | extend outcome = split(split(AdditionalExtensions, ";", 2)[0], "=", 1)[0]
    | extend reason = split(split(AdditionalExtensions, ";", 3)[0], "=", 1)[0]
    | where outcome =="Success"
    | summarize countSuccess = count() by DestinationUserName, DestinationIP, SourceIP) on DestinationUserName and SourceIP
    | extend flagSummary = iff(isnull(countSuccess), strcat(countFailure, ":true:", iif(isnull(countSuccess),0, countSuccess)), strcat(countFailure, ":false:", iif(isnull(countSuccess),0, countSuccess)))
    |where flagSummary endswith("true:0") and isnotempty(SourceIP)
    |project DestinationUserName,SourceIP,countFailure,countSuccess,flagSummary
    |top 5 by countFailure

    The above query searches for users who have logged in multiple times from multiple IP Addresses and failed. The query provides an output similar to this

    where the column flagSummary shows data in the following format

    failed logins : flag status : successful logins

  7. Click Done Editing

  8. Move to the next section of the workbook and click Edit

  9. Add the following query to display a Bar Chart which provide a visual overview of users with failed login attempts

    | extend outcome = split(split(AdditionalExtensions, ";", 2)[0], "=", 1)[0]
    | extend reason = split(split(AdditionalExtensions, ";", 3)[0], "=", 1)[0]
    | where outcome =="Failure"
    | summarize Count= count() by DestinationUserName
    | render barchart
  10. Click Done Editing. The result displayed will be similar to this

    Another query to display the Top 5 Users by number of logs/events generated is

    | summarize Count = count() by DestinationUserName
    | top 5 by DestinationUserName
    | render barchart

  11. Once finished editing queries click Done Editing on the top left corner and on the save icon to save the workbook

    Multiple queries can be used to populate a workbook with tables and chart, enabling powerful visualization of events and security related activities obtained from Forcepoint CASB.


Follow these steps to identify issues impacting the normal operation of the integration described in this document.

Validate the prerequisites

Make sure the prerequisites described in the Summary chapter are all satisfied:

  • Check the versions of Forcepoint CASB in use is listed as compatible

    Forcepoint CASB SIEM Tool - version 2019-04-15
  • Verify the integration component correctly operates on a clean Ubuntu 18.04 with at least 2 GB RAM and 20 GB of storage

  • If there are no logs in /var/azure_casb/SCIM_TOOL_OUTPUT, then the CASB SIEM tool truststore key is not valid. Obtain a truststore file which is current and verified working.

  • User must be root to run the

  • Check the user can download the integration package with the below command:

    wget –content-disposition

Check network connectivity

Make sure firewalls or other security appliances are not impacting the network connectivity necessary for the operation of all components involved into this integration:

  • Check CASB Log Forwarder (Syslog Proxy) has network connectivity to CASB: execute the following command on the Syslog Proxy host machine:

    ping -c 2 example-casb.url

Replace the example URL/IP address with the one used. Once done check the result is similar to below:

PING example-casb.url ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=128 time=179 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=128 time=181 ms

Check dependencies are installed

Make sure the software dependencies needed by the components involved into this integration are installed:

  • Check all dependencies are installed: execute the following command on the machine hosting the integration component to check for java:

    java –version

and check the result is similar to below:

Note: The software versions may change depending on the latest upgrades.

  • Check python3 is installed, execute the following command:

    python3 –version

Check the result is similar to below:

  • Check Firewalld is operating normally, execute the following command:

    systemctl status firewalld.service

and check the result is similar to below:

  • Check unzip is installed: execute the following command:

    unzip -h

and check the first few lines of the result are similar to below:

  • Verify the last few lines after installation completion are similar to below:

Check all components are configured and running properly

Make sure the products and services involved into this integration are configured as expected and they are running:

  • Check all components are configured and running as expected: verify syslog-ng daemon and omsagent are listening to the correct port with the following command:

    lsof -i | grep -e omsagent -e syslog-ng

and check the result is similar to below:

  • Check the required services are running, execute the command below:

    systemctl list-units | grep azure_casb

and check the result is similar to below:

root@ubuntu1804:~# systemctl list-units | grep azure_casb

azure_casb.service loaded active running run azure_casb.service